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Surbiton Rotary Club

All donations are gratefully received and go into our Benevolent Fund to help people in need.
If you would like to donate here is how:
1. Pay by BACS directly from your bank account
Account name: Rotary Club of Surbiton Benevolent Fund
Sort code: 30-98-62
Account number: 00403323
2 Pay by Text (donr)
Text rotarysanta followed by the amount
(e.g. rotarysanta2 to donate £2) to 70085 – normal network charges apply,
3 Pay by cheque
Payable to Rotary Club of Surbiton Benevolent Fund and post to:
Surbiton Rotary Club, c/o 38 Speer Road,
Thames Ditton, Surrey KT7 0PW
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